Monday, January 7, 2008

'Suspicious' fire destroys boat in harbor


A blaze that Santa Barbara fire officials are calling “suspicious” destroyed a 35-foot sailboat docked in the harbor yesterday morning and shot flames as high as 25-feet before being extinguished.
City Fire Marshall Joe Poire said the investigation is in its initial stages and would not comment on whether arson is a suspected cause.

“It’s under investigation as a suspicious fire at this point,” Poire said. “We can’t divulge a lot about the investigation.”
The boat, which is owned by Rob Kirkcaldie and is known as “Diamond,” was docked in slip F-19 of Marina 1 – just feet from the Santa Barbara Dry Dock facility that is also owned by Kirkcaldie – when it burst into flames.
While fire officials remained tight-lipped on the details surrounding the fire, Kirkcaldie said there is no doubt in his mind someone purposely destroyed his boat.
“It was definitely arson,” Kirkcaldie told the Daily Sound yesterday. “It was designed to destroy it.”
Kirkcaldie said he suspects his former wife of burning the boat, while his ex-wife, who asked not to be identified, said she believes Kirkcaldie started the fire.
Kirkcaldie said fire officials told him the electric and gas systems on the boat did not appear to be the cause.
“It was evident that that was all in working condition,” Kirkcaldie said. “Someone threw [flammable] agent onto the deck and canvasses.”
Kirkcaldie said the fire “totaled” the boat and caused about $50,000 in damage. But he said the results could have been much worse had the blaze jumped to nearby boats, some of which were occupied at the time of the fire.
Poire acknowledged the danger of boat fires and credited Harbor Patrol officers for arriving on the scene quickly and dousing the blaze.
“They’re very dangerous,” Poire said of boat fires. “They can skip from boat to boat to boat. It’s not like a city street where you can just drive up and apply water to anywhere.”
In order to prevent such fires from spreading, Poire noted the heavy response by the fire department, which included four fire engines, a ladder truck and a battalion chief.
Fire Battalion Chief Andrew DiMizio, who responded to the boat fire, said people living on nearby boats also helped limit the damage by battling the blaze with their own hoses.
DiMizio, who has worked at the fire department for 28 years, said boat fires aren’t rare.
“We have had several boat fires for different reasons,” he said, adding that the last one he remembers was about a year and a half ago, when a commercial fishing boat caught fire.
Poire said anyone with information about the fire should call the Fire Department at 965-5254.


Vigilante said...

I hear there was no insurance coverage. Check out the ex-wife.

Anonymous said...

Hey Vigilante,
Who defaulted on the insurance premium?
Do you think the wife gains anything here? She was the one beaten.
I would sure love to see the real story told.
Domestic violence is inexcusable.

Anonymous said...

will the blog owner tell the truth?

Boris said...

Wife beaters should go to jail. Boat arsonists should go to jail.

Anonymous said...

He's going to jail for felony assault.
Can anyone offer any proof of arson?

Anonymous said...

I think the reporting on by this reporter is terrible. The wife was terribly beaten. Rob is going to jail. She has nothing to gain by burning the boat ... in fact she looses some of the only assets she had to gain. There was an order by her attorney to sell the boat only a few days before the fire. Rob, the wife beater may be the real one with something to gain by burning the boat ... he has a history of passing on lies about his ex wife!

Boris said...

If Rob is going to jail, I suspect that is not enough for some who have time on their hands. They would want to lynch him; and if they can't manage that, they try to burn him out. I say catch the arsonists and put them in Rob's cell. Let God sort them out.

Anonymous said...

Classic question: WHO BENEFITS??
Judge orders him to pay her half of boat value.
3 days later, boat burns up.
Who benefits? Ex-wife? NOT.
Come on, you all. Wake up.
Guy is a PROVEN liar, thief, scammer, family deserter, wife beater and now arsonist.
Jail is too good for him . . .

Anonymous said...

Hey Boris.
Who are THEY? Sounds like you have too much time on your hands and not enough on the brain.
Why do you condone this wife beater, scam artist and arsonist? There are no other arsonists, just the one guy in the cell - Rob. And BTW, he IS going to jail.

Anonymous said...

While it is my understanding that this Daily Sound reporter does not involve himself in Domestic Violence issues, it would sure be "the right thing to do" if he were to write something a little less one sided after clearly seeing that, in this case, there are two sides.

Anonymous said...

Colby? Do you care?
Jeramy? You?
Is the picture of a torched vessel and the statement/accusation of a felon really more important than the truth?

Boris said...

Anonymous says,

"Jail is too good for him . . ."

Classic words from an anonymous member of a lynching mob. Classic.