Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Groups unite for preparedness


An alliance designed to prepare Goleta for a large-scale disaster or emergency has been formed between the City of Goleta, the Goleta Chamber of Commerce and the local American Red Cross chapter.
Dubbed the Goleta Partnership for Preparedness, the collaborative effort will launch its first initiative in October, a series of fundraising events to purchase two American Red Cross emergency trailers that will be strategically placed in Goleta.

Goleta Mayor Jean Blois will announce the partnership today at the City of Goleta Building along with Kristen Amyx, president and CEO of the Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce, and Janet L. Stanley, CEO of the Santa Barbara County Chapter of the American Red Cross.
"I think we all learned a great deal from the recent Zaca Fire," Blois said in a prepared statement. "Had weather and wind conditions altered slightly we could have had a major disaster on its hands. As much as possible, Goleta needs to be prepared for any and all disaster scenarios."
The partnership will strive to bring together public and private leadership and resources to reduce the damage, injury and loss of life that unexpected disasters cause. Future initiatives will include workplace safety and business and community outreach.
"It is very likely that a disaster will happen during the weekday when adults are in the workplace," Amyx said in a statement. "Emergency planning must integrate this very likely possibility."

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